- 20:00 24 May 07 -
News just in from the Team Manager. Not only will the RAFCC have an experienced team participating in this years TransScotland, but there will also be an RAFCC solo rider too in the form of mad-man, sorry, err experienced endurance rider, Gavin Brown.
- 21:00 26 May 07 -
RAFCC MTB Sec has reported in.
"All is well and the new RAFCC emblazoned pop-up tents have had a major impact on the entire camp site as soon as they were erected. Riders from TransWales '06 flocked to them to exchange stories of old and to re-kindle friendships established last year with newcomers also looking on.
Jacko was also put into action with repairing/servicing other civilian competitor's bikes. The RAFCC team members are settled and looking forward to what looks like will be a day of mixed showers and gray clouds as the participants make their way to Moffat, some 75km's away with a time limit of 7 hours.
A last minute worry engulfed the RAFCC camp at one point, in true 'Cookie' style, Paul Cooke realised he had no front mech to ride with and that his rear mech on his shiny brand new GIANT was totally mashed. At 8pm on the night before such a long ride this was something that was not needed and Cookie ended up spending £90 on parts from someone selling goods from the back of a van! It looks like the Royal Navy/Royal Marines and Army have solo riders taking part which will be competition for the RAFCC's solo rider Gav Brown."