Day 7 was not just any old linking stage back to Builth Wells, it was 86km of hard going intense riding, 2600m of climbing and 14 river crossings (yes, 14 !!), luckily each river crssing was no more than a foot or two deep unlike the four feet deepcrossing from the previous day. The weather held off and a blue sky accompanied the riders the entire day.
Irish again, somehow managed to put in a few exra kilometers possibly due to a sign being moved. Rob suffered a puncture early on in the day which pushed him to the back end of the field. Sam had another good start to the stage and held a firm grip on a position within the top 20 and eventually rode into Builth with Dan. The 4 ACU team riders also crossed the line together but not after trying to catch up with Sam and Dan.
Every other military rider crossed the line before the 4pm cut-off point, all looking extremely weary but happy to have completed the week.
Did you know, that this week Wales has had the most amount of rainfall in over 100 years? Well it's true and all those involved in the Trans Wales event witnessed it !!
It's all over now and Builth Wells is full of broken bikes and riders, the event for this year has got to be the hardest in it's history and not just because of the weather. A party exists in a farmers field, with loud music, lots of free beer, Red Bull and many a tired body.
The ACU team of Coops and Rick resulted in a 3rd place spot on the podium - a commendable effort from them. Unfortunately the RAFCC could not have it's usual team in that category this, if they had they too would have been on the podium.
Final positions and timings will be posted as soon as they become available.